Originally uploaded by brunhildecrow.
I am so very very happy and I will tell you why. It has nothing to do with what everyone else has their panties in a twist about but rather - MY JOB IS SAFE!
My town was going to cut K-8 librarians thus leaving my job at the mercy of any claim-jumping book-rounder who wanted it. Seniority sucks - until I have it, of course... Anyway - the school department decided they couldn't run the libraries without librarians. A novel and forward thinking idea. So I breathe more easily.
You may be curious as to why Ken is featured in his rockin' bicentennial gear in the accompanying photo... My beloved, (I am stealing that from Guusje [and also every poet that ever put pen to paper] because she has a skippy new blog format.) after having taken a gander at my bosom (after a meal that I ate perhaps a bit too enthusiastically) noticed that I tend to, well, drop food on my boobs. So he decided that, in an effort to conserve water and SHOUT stain remover I should only eat when naked.
You may think that a more sensible solution would be to, say. eat at a table instead of in front of the television like Neanderthals (who, if they did have television, would surely have eaten in front of it). Or maybe I could learn to take human bites. Or eat only bite sized foods.
But no, nudity is the first resort of the scoundrel. And much preferable to my beloved than the first. But I digress.
So he thought for a few minutes, I thought maybe he dozed off and I was going to eat the rest of my slop in peace when he got a little smile on his face and said, "Everyone should be naked." Then he declared that he was going to create a new movement called "Keep Everyone Naked" or K.E.N.
But then yesterday morning when my mom was visiting and he was going to go downstairs to the shower, he hid until she was out of sight because he was nakie-pants. So I think he really meant "Keep Everyone ELSE Naked". Which is, of course, K.E.E.N.