Thursday, March 03, 2005

Plant Fruit Not Bombs!

Originally uploaded by brunhildecrow.
Here is a little pyramid that I fashioned out of the fruit my children do not eat. I apoligize for the unsightly scar on the plum - I think it recently had a C section.

So onto the news. This morning as I was turning on the computer I heard an announcement - "Will all staff please report to the auditorium." So I went in to learn that we were all going home thanks to a bomb threat that had thoughtfully been left on the school answering machine. We were to get kids to their first period class and there would be an announcement to leave. I went into the library and told Jan to get her boys and get out of the building. She, naturally, was freaked out - as I would have been if I had kids in the building. I felt strangely calm, though. As a matter of fact - as Ann (who I kept calling Deb, because I am stupid) and I were finally leaving the building - I was thinking, "If I were watching me in a movie the footage of me meandering to the door would be intercut with footage of a timer running out and I would be pounding on my spouses leg yelling through my gritted teeth - 'would you PLEASE get you fat ass out of that building before you BLOW UP!'" But I did not. Blow up, that is.

So we have a big meeting before school tomorrow and once again, I have to rearrange the entire library schedule for a missed day. Wah... Between snow and bombs, I will be watching the fourth of July fireworks from the library roof.