I can finally post on my Mac without using Flickr. Not that I don't love Flickr... It just takes time to find a somewhat appropriate pic and then upload it, find a way to tie it to the text - move my text to word for the ever-necessary spell check and finally try to remember what I wanted to post about!
But I do remember what I wanted to post about. When last I wrote I was still reeling from the freshmen semi-formal. But no longer. I was shocked at first but now I realized this shocking truth - teenagers are interested in sex. I know! It sounded crazy to me at first until I remembered being a teenager and thought, "Oh yeah... I remember..." The difference is, that there is really less shame.
And it is hard to say if this is a good thing or not. For a lot of people the "shame" aspect of sex has a shelf-life that is far too long. But on the other hand there is such a thing as decorum. Is there a way of promoting the idea that - while there is nothing wrong with a healthy sex drive - it might make the old folks uncomfortable if you display it in front of them so obviously.
One little freshman girl was at the circ desk when I was talking about the dance with some senior girls who laughed at me and told me to get my shots in order if I were going to the junior prom. When she heard that I had been in the room where the dancing was she said, in a shocked voice, "You were watching?"
"Hey, listen girlie, I'm not the perv here!" I replied. Of course I didn't. But I did gently tell her that the whole world was watching and she should probably behave at the dance as if her Dad and God were standing right behind her shoulder. Okay, I didn't say that either. I just said, "Of course. You all looked so nice, all dressed up," and left it at that.
But realistically - society shoves sex down these kids' throats all the time and it should come as no surprise when they get the message that anything goes and it really doesn't matter who is watching.
I look forward to attending the sophomore semi-formal and staying behind the snack table where I belong!
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