Here is a little pyramid that I fashioned out of the fruit my children do not eat. I apoligize for the unsightly scar on the plum - I think it recently had a C section.
So onto the news. This morning as I was turning on the computer I heard an announcement - "Will all staff please report to the auditorium." So I went in to learn that we were all going home thanks to a bomb threat that had thoughtfully been left on the school answering machine. We were to get kids to their first period class and there would be an announcement to leave. I went into the library and told Jan to get her boys and get out of the building. She, naturally, was freaked out - as I would have been if I had kids in the building. I felt strangely calm, though. As a matter of fact - as Ann (who I kept calling Deb, because I am stupid) and I were finally leaving the building - I was thinking, "If I were watching me in a movie the footage of me meandering to the door would be intercut with footage of a timer running out and I would be pounding on my spouses leg yelling through my gritted teeth - 'would you PLEASE get you fat ass out of that building before you BLOW UP!'" But I did not. Blow up, that is.
So we have a big meeting before school tomorrow and once again, I have to rearrange the entire library schedule for a missed day. Wah... Between snow and bombs, I will be watching the fourth of July fireworks from the library roof.
I found high school to be so scary. There were so many weapons and so many threats. I thought the adults were clued out. It never occurred to me before now that they might have been frightened, too. We'll say another prayer for grace, and tie it up with one for protection.
In reading your articles, I was a little dismayed that there is very little mention of your beloved spouse. He is, and should be, in your every waking thought, word and desire. He needs more mention and adoration on this site. I'm sure you can find enough blatherings from his moments of lucid genius to his wicked talent of demure humor.
I agree that your spouse isn't mentioned enough, nor your best friends on THIS coast. Because what is your blog, after all, but a prop for the egos of those you love? That being said, yer wicked funny. But you don't write very often. Do you think you might have ADD? Not that that's anything to joke about.
Or, I know, you should have a guest blogger for those days you are just too, too busy. That's how I'll get into this game, since I'm too, too busy myself to do anything but rag on you.
What a pleasure it is to be able to leave comments!!! Oh, let's play the Glad Game!
More spouse! More BFFs! More regular posting!
I totally agree with lady char. Where are your priorities? Not only is your spouse suspiciously absent, but so is lovely son #2. Not to mention your true BFF who may as well be #2 mom to son #2. How am I suppose to handle this? I may lack compassion, but my narcissistic tendencies are fully evolved, thank you very much. However, I am willing to share with the lady, and think you should consider this prior to your next post.
I like playing the Glad Game!!!
Kate Gunnison here. I love your blog re-design - I haven't been on in awhile, but it looks good. I have a blog, but I don't have your latest email address so if you email me ( I can give it to you. it's password protected which is why you need to email me. hope all is well!
I just tossed a MeMe your way (it's on my blog). I hope it jumpstarts your creative juices- I miss your updates!
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