Originally uploaded by brunhildecrow.
I adore Mimismartypants and I just found two hysterical new blogs thanks to her latest post.
The first is Joe Mathlete Explains Todays Marmaduke in 500 Words or Less which made me nearly weep with hilarity. The other is Gin and Somthing which I am too lazy to look up, but the mystery will be solved when you click on it your damn self.
In other news, I went to see moe. yesterday and danced like the freaky hippie girl I kind of was 20 years ago. It was joyful and fun for about 20 minutes and then I realzed that my feet were killing me and I was drooling a little bit and my hair was coming out of its bun in a way that was more shopping-cart-lady than sexy-librarian. The reason we went was because my friend Jane's sons are in the band that opened for moe., the Ryan Montbleau band. They were great. But the sad fact is I am old for the concert-going experience. In a wee bit of small-world-ish-ness - my sister Susan's friends (the band that played at her wedding) opened for moe the next night. Huh...
And my children both went to the Topsfield Fair with friends today because they are tremendously old and mature. And my 13 year old was the victim of attempted carny-rip-off-ery and he stood his ground (twice!) and got his money back and a kick-ass prize.
Not that I have anything against carnies. As a matter of fact, if you check out my Netflicks queue (my newest passion) you will see it is loaded with Carnies!
And now to sleep so dream of jam bands and the midway.
1 comment:
A blogging Barb is the best Barb in the whole world! It is fun to see you posting again.
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