Originally uploaded by brunhildecrow.
Yes, I am a copycat. I have completely stolen Hillary's cool, discrete half-headed portrait. Except, unlike her I am unable to get it to sit nicely in my profile area. If anyone knows how to do this, feel free to enlighten me.
Hillary was also kind (and creative) enough to put me in the tree in the Ebba-fairy-poo-land picture from my last post. But flickr would not allow me to upload it. Apparently they don't think I DESERVE to be a tree sprite in Ebba-fairy-poo-land.
But they are wrong.
I several hours at Chuck E. Cheese today. I am not one of those parents who downtalk the place. Where else in the world can you. for $30, eat pizza and completely ignore even the very youngest of children knowing that if you have a little plastic cup of coins, they will surely find you eventually? And in the south they serve beer at Chuckie's! It must be paradise there...
So about this picture - my smaller son took this. He's only 7, but he has a love of photography. And cooking. And smacking himself on the hinder when he dances.
My older son, who is 11, went to see Paper Clips with a friend yesterday. I was curious to see what he though of it. I was prepared to have a real heart to heart about man's inhumanity to man and that sort of thing. Instead he gave me a 10 minute diatribe about how documentaries are not his thing. I guess I am relieved in one respect. I was worried about how he would react to a movie about the holocaust. But I am also concerned that he didn't "get it". He knows that Nazis were bad (from Indiana Jones movies and yes - my children do learn everything from television, thanks for asking...) but I think maybe he doesn't understands that it really happened. Would I be a bad mother if I rented "Life is Beautiful" and watched it with him?
And as long as you are giving advice, maybe you can tell me what the piece of skin that is between the nostrils is called. Is there a name for it? And is there some inexpensive day surgery I could have done? Mine appears to be sagging as much as other parts of my body. Shameful...
Your effing blog now appears on my screen in a half-inch wide endless column of microscopic type. It's a testament to my love for you that I read it anyway (albeit while muttering obscenities, and squinting -- I don't even get this close to my computer to kiss my Mark Ruffalo screensaver, for God's sake!). Get Hilly to fix it, this is clearly beyond you, ebba poo fairy! (I've *always* known that you were the poo fairy. Always)
Seems like I had something to say about your actual content, but my eye-squint headache is distracting me now...
Lady Char, you need to make the type display size bigger, perhaps? (Go to View, then Text Size, then choose something bigger.) 'Cause it looks okay to me.
Brunhilde, it took me forever to figure out how to add a photo to my profile. But here is how I did it, finally. If you go to the photo in Flickr and click on the "All sizes" icon above the photo, it will bring you to a page that shows you the photo again, and then shows you the URL of the photo below that. Copy that URL and then paste it into the box in your Edit Profile page in Blogger where you can enter a photo URL. (Just the URL, not that HTML stuff that it also gives you as an option in Flickr.) I don't know if there are any size restrictions, but give it a try!!!
PS -- I forgot to say that I really like the picture! You look hott.
Thanks for your comment- if you go to my blog and look at the sidebar on the left you'll see a link to my Europe pictures. YOu can also read the posts from June 04, which have lots of pictures which I added to the blog when we got back from Europe.
You did it!! Now you could take the big picture out of your post and make Lady Chardonnay happy. But only if you *want* to.
Wow... beer at chuckies there are stars in my eyes, and a pleasant emptiness in my brain!!!
I love the pic!!! I wonder if the DMV will allow me to paste one over my driver's license. I want to look good so bad!!!
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