Fatty McFatburger
Originally uploaded by brunhildecrow.
Last night I made my 8 year old son's dream come true and let him watch Morgan Spurlock's Supersize Me. It was really interesting. I was a little nervous because in this house we don't talk about FAT as a bad thing. Some people are fat and some are not. Just like some people have squeaky voices or curley hair.
The movie didn't mention attractiveness or appearance at all and the health benefits didn't deal so much with overweight as they did with healthy eating and exercies which is a fine (but in my opinion important) point.
So the new plan is this. Everyone in the family is going to plan 2 meals a week. Since we are 4 one person not only gets the week off of meal planning, but also gets to choose where and which night we will eat out or get take out. Oh the power! And we are off the soda.
The irony here is that Mr.-8-year-old loves him some Mickey D's. Poor little troll.
In other news I am having a Pampered Chef party. I feel like a whore. But I want a pizza stone. And I am not afraid to shatter the barrier between friendship and commerce to get it. But I will be telling all the invitees that they are under no obligation to come and I will respect them if they tell me I am a horrible person. But I still want the pizza stone.
Another reason I am posting is because I just read an article on RSS feeds and I set one up. And goober that I am, my first blog on the feed is this on. In case I ever post in my sleep and then forget that I did, I will be aware when I check my feed. And don't I sound cool saying, "Check my feed?" Library media specialist!
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